245 research outputs found

    Aspectos en el uso variable del perfecto compuesto de San Juan : InclusiĂłn y persuasiĂłn en discursos polĂ­ticos

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    El contacto con la variedad del español utilizada por hablantes de la Provincia de San Juan permite observar usos alternantes de los tiempos pasados Perfecto Simple y Perfecto Compuesto con mayor frecuencia de uso de éste con respecto a la zona rioplatense. El compuesto se emplea -por los sanjuaninos- para señalar aspectos semánticos reservados para el Simple como el referir acciones acabadas lejanas al momento de la enunciación o incluso sin ninguna relación con el mismo. El hablante puede comunicar factores subjetivos con el Perfecto Compuesto usándolo como una estrategia discursiva cargada de subjetividad que le permite hacer relevantes los hechos pasados, sin importar si están más o menos alejados del momento de la enunciación, y produciendo con ello una ampliación semántica en la idea de pasado que el compuesto comunica. El presente trabajo -en el marco de los principios de la Escuela de Columbia (Diver, 1995) y la Etnopragmática (García, 1995; Martínez, 1995, 2000; Mauder, 2000)- continúa con el análisis de aspectos esbozados en otro anterior (Gentili, 2011), también sobre corpus de discurso político, considerado este como práctica social que funciona no sólo como instrumento con fines políticos particulares, sino como creador y sostén de maneras de pensar, hablar y actuar: o sea, formas de vida y visiones de mundo. Para ello, el enunciador debe poner al servicio del objetivo comunicativo el uso de una gramática compartida situándose temporalmente para ejercer el poder y lograr la adhesión mediante la persuasión. Sospechamos, entonces, que el perfecto compuesto está asociado con la idea de incluir al oyente a una forma particular de perspectiva sobre del pasado referido, y de persuadirlo no solo de esa visión de los hechos pasados sino lograr también la adhesión al compromiso veredictivo que, como enunciador político, quiere trasmitir. Los resultados contribuirán a la perspectiva teórica que contempla la motivación semántico-pragmática de la gramática y su relación con el uso de la lengu

    Istruzione tecnica tra sapere e cultura d’impresa

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    Firstly, this paper offers a brief account of the Italian education system that aims at understanding the cultural oppositions that led to a stall in the field of vocational and technical training. It subsequently examines the problems linked to the phenomenon of youth unemployment, thus focussing on the aspects that might enhance the inter-connection between studies and job.These aspects are regarded as tied to the idea of a technical education concerned with the relations between knowledge and corporate culture. Finally, this paper investigates and evaluates those synergic aspects of the education-job relation which produce positive effects on the employment of young people and on the general economic development of the country.Dopo un breve excursus storico della scuola italiana per comprendere le resistenze culturali che hanno portato alla situazione di stallo dell’istruzione tecnica e professionale, il contributo esamina le problematiche connesse al fenomeno della disoccupazione giovanile e si concentra, quindi, sugli aspetti in grado di valorizzare l’intreccio tra attività di studio e di lavoro, particolarmente connessi a un’istruzione tecnica che si rapporti tra sapere e cultura d’impresa. Vengono esaminati e valorizzati quegli aspetti sinergici scuola-lavoro che producono positivi effetti sull’occupazione giovanile e sullo sviluppo economico

    Politiche educative e formative dopo la crisi del welfare

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    This paper draws on professional experience within the “Education” branch of Confindustria [Italian employer’s federation]. Thus, an analysis is developed on how schools and universities that are linked to the work world may provide a country with economic added value. In previous times, many policy mistakes lessened the ties between the educational system and that of work and enterprise. Consequently, thanks to this historical and analyticalperspective, it is possible to highlight their main features, as well as the critical spots that nowadays prevent Italian schools and universities from being competitive—thus damaging the whole country. In order for the system to adapt to the “society of knowledge,” the author identifies some virtuous models: it is the case of school-enterprise networks and of partnerships betweenschool and the world of industry. These cases prove why these tools are essential for the development of competences required to step out of the current crisis.L’autore, partendo da una lunga esperienza alla direzione dell’area “Education” di Confindustria, sviluppa un’analisi sul valore aggiunto, per l’economia e lo sviluppo di un Paese, di una scuola e una università direttamente connesse con il mondo del lavoro. Gli errori del passato, che hanno progressivamente allontanato il sistema educativo dal lavoro e dall’impresa, sono sinteticamente ripercorsi nei loro tratti salienti, evidenziando le criticità che ancora oggi bloccano la competitività delle nostre scuole e università, e di conseguenzadell’intero Paese. Per adeguarsi alla “società della conoscenza”Gentili individua nelle reti scuola-impresa e nelle partnership tra sistema educativo e mondo produttivo, di cui riporta virtuosi esempi, degli strumenti indispensabili per sviluppare le competenze e uscire dalla crisi

    “Time out” for Classical Studies? The Future of Italian Liceo Classico in the 4.0 world

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    El texto analiza la actual enseñanza de los clásicos (lengua y literatura latina y griega) en las escuelas secundarias italianas. El reciente debate se centra en la supervivencia del “Liceo Classico” y el papel de las competencias y la innovación educativa. El autor propone, a partir de la literatura italiana e internacional, una tesis que integra los estudios clásicos con el mercado laboral actual y la “Industria 4.0”, también desde una perspectiva europea, mostrando las herramientas más útiles para modernizar los estudios clásicos.The text analyzes the current teaching role of the classics (Latin and Greek language and literature) in Italian upper secondary schools. The recent debate is focusing on the survival of the “Liceo Classico” and the role of skills and educational innovation. The author proposes, starting from the Italian and international literature, a thesis that integrates the classical studies with the current labor market and the development of “Industry 4.0”, also from a European perspective, showing the most useful tools to modernize classical studie

    An Experience on Environmental Education Based on Respect-Reduce-Reuse-Recycle in a Village Primary School in the Marche Region, in Italy

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    The importance of environmental education is widely recognized worldwide: an important objective is that the citizens are accustomed to apply the best available practices in their life, while asking the administration and the government to gradually enforce measures leading to a reduction of the environmental impact and to a more sustainable lifestyle. This requires a formation starting at an early age: however, in Italy the relevant indications from the National Curriculum are still limited and do not suggest explicitly the performance of any practical activity, tailored on the specific school setting. This inadequacy of the Curriculum becomes particularly apparent in cases where other concerns are present, for example the areas in the Marche region affected by the 2016 earthquake: here, the need to resume a day-by-day routine put a kind of “damper” on other questions, such as environmental issues. This had an effect also in children’s life: on this question, school needs to take a stand, which is the objective of this study.  This work concerns an approach to environmental education in a multi-classes primary school context (age 6-10) in a small village school, located in the Central Apennine in Italy. This is performed through an experience carried out by investigating the behavior towards waste production of the community, as perceived by children at school. It is therefore articulated through the application of 4R (Respect, which encompasses Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) applying and extending the indications from the Italian National Curriculum. The project leads also to an experience of self-production of objects by the use of waste, to improve their awareness of the possibilities included in their upcycling. Feedback on the experience is finally acquired from the children and discussed, especially in the sense of creating future citizens with a more sensible and reasonable behavior towards the environment and leading possibly to zero-waste strategies in their family and work setting. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis and different themes about waste production were singled out. Keywords: Environmental education, reduce-reuse-recycle, respect, DIY materials, good practices DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-15-04 Publication date:May 31st 202

    Alternanza scuola-lavoro: condizioni di riuscita

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    The approval of the reform of the school system, (Law no. 107/2015), introducesin Italy the school-work alternation. For the first time the “culture ofwork” is inserted systematically in schools’ curriculas with the aim ofpreparing students for a better employability after diploma and a more consciousentry into the labor market. The authors analyze and explain the historical,social and cultural context in which the reform is introduced and therole of educational partnerships within the school-work alternation’sprocesses can and should take place with the involvement and the sharedresponsibility of educational actors and economic ones. The study also indicatessome possible critical questions for the diffusion of school-work alternationprocesses and gives reference models to be set in the territories.L’approvazione della riforma del sistema scolastico italiano, con Legge n.107/2015, introduce in Italia l’alternanza scuola-lavoro obbligatoria. Per laprima volta la cultura del lavoro rientra sistematicamente nei programmiscolastici con l’obiettivo di preparare gli studenti sotto il profilo delle competenzeper migliorare la loro occupabilità e un ingresso più consapevolenel mercato del lavoro. Gli autori analizzano e spiegano il contesto storico,sociale e culturale in cui la riforma si introduce e presentano un quadro dipartnership formative entro il quale i processi di alternanza possono e devonosvolgersi con il coinvolgimento e la corresponsabilità sia degli attoriformativi che degli attori economici. Lo studio indica inoltre alcune possibilicriticità per la diffusione dei percorsi di alternanza e modelli di riferimentoda riprodurre nei territori
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